Adventure begins

This is the North Face bag that, 24 years ago, was stuffed to the brim with everything I owned. It was the start of a journey from London, to a life made in Southern California. I kept it because of the story it held.

This bag and its story truly live up to the Brand promise and have shaped my exploration of life. North Face emphasize the importance of pushing personal limits and discovering the world around you, and for the last quarter century I have done just that in California.

I've also held onto this bag all these years, as a physical reminder of where I came from, how I once uprooted my life and moved across the world, and that I should always be open to doing that again. To keep exploring,.

Santa Monica was my home for more than half my life. If time spent is any measure, I’m more Californian than British. California imprinted itself on me in ways I never expected. It’s where my career took shape, where I met and married the love of my life, brought my first home, and where our three beautiful children were born and grew up, Some of my dearest friends are here, and with them the memories of time share in this home I’ve had. I’ll miss the sun sets over the Pacific and welcome the sun rises over the Atlantic.

I'm genuinely excited about embarking on a new journey, eager to explore new places and experiences. The chance to step into something entirely different, both in my life and career, is truly thrilling.

It's fitting that the North Face duffel that brought me to California will now carry me to my new adventure in Connecticut. The brand's ethos of adventure, discovery, and progression resonates deeply with me. This bag symbolizes more than just the materials it's made of—it embodies the spirit of exploration that shapes the human soul. That's what makes North Face an enduring brand for me, and why I find joy in the products and brands I choose.

Simon Cassels

Chief Marketing Officer / Chief Brand Officer

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